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Dark Ships in the Forest: Ballads of the Supernatural

John Roberts & Tony Barrand
Dark Ships in the Forest, Ballads of the Supernatural, LP artwork
Dark Ships in the Forest, Ballads of the Supernatural by John Roberts and Tony Barrand, LP artwork
Dark Ships in the Forest, Ballads of the Supernatural, CD artwork
Dark Ships in the Forest, Ballads of the Supernatural by John Roberts and Tony Barrand, CD artwork

On this album of English and English-derived folk songs, Roberts and Barrand focus on themes of the supernatural, fantastical, and otherwise strange. Selected here are several narrative songs, among them are the well-known Reynardine, Polly Vaughan, and four Child ballads.

Track Listing

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Oak, Ash and Thorn John Roberts & Tony Barrand 02:44
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The Broomfield Wager John Roberts & Tony Barrand 04:13
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The Wife of Usher's Well John Roberts & Tony Barrand 02:46
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Tom of Bedlam John Roberts & Tony Barrand 03:58
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The Dreadful Ghost John Roberts & Tony Barrand 04:22
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The Foggy Dew John Roberts & Tony Barrand 05:08
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The Derby Ram John Roberts & Tony Barrand 03:31
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The Maid on the Shore John Roberts & Tony Barrand 03:46
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Reynardine John Roberts & Tony Barrand 03:03
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The False Lady John Roberts & Tony Barrand 03:21
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Polly Vaughn John Roberts & Tony Barrand 03:19
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The Two Magicians John Roberts & Tony Barrand 05:19