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Ballads, Wedding Songs and Piyyutim of the Sephardic Jews of Tetuan and Tangier, Morocco

Various Artists
Ballads, Wedding Songs and Piyyutim of the Sephardic Jews of Tetuan and Tangier, Morocco

The songs on this 1983 Folkways release are both soulful and haunting, reminders of a "golden age" prior to 1492, when Jews were expelled from Spain. The Jews of Tetuan, which became one of the most important Jewish communities in North Africa, preserved the old ballads in Medieval Spanish, and for daily use spoke an updated idiom. Here women sing romance and ritual songs a cappella, while a cantor from Tangier performs the piyyutim, the religious poetry written in Hebrew by the great Medieval Jewish writers and sung in the synagogue during services.

Liner notes include song lyrics in Spanish and their English translation as well as a history of the Jewish presence in Morocco and northern Africa.

Track Listing

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Dice la nuestra novia - Says the Bride-to-Be Alicia Benassayag de Bendayam 03:14
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En ca de mi padre - In the House of My Father Flora Benamol 03:25
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Aunque le di la mano - Although I Gave Him My Hand Flora Benamol 01:14
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Fuerame a banar a orillas del rio - I Went to Bathe at the River's Edge Flora Benamol 02:14
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El Cabrito - One Kid Alicia Benassayag de Bendayam 03:00
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Yo me levantara un lunes - I Arose on a Monday Flora Benamol 02:55
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Mose salio de Misrain - Moses Left Egypt Alicia Benassayag de Bendayam 02:29
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Una Hija tiene el rey - The King Has a Daughter Alicia Benassayag de Bendayam 02:24
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Nuestro Senor Elohenu Alicia Benassayag de Bendayam 03:15
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La Gallarda Flora Benamol 03:50
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Persona soy yo, el bien sidi - I Am a Human Being, Good Sir Female singer 02:09
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Brillana - Briana Ester Kadosh Israel 04:11
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Piyyut: City of Joy Solomon Siboni 02:50
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Piyyut: The Overseer Solomon Siboni 02:31
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Piyyut: God Is Alive Solomon Siboni 02:33
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Piyyut: From the Mouth of God Solomon Siboni 01:31
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Piyyut: My Wintry Days Solomon Siboni 02:49
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Piyyut: Your Love Is Sweet Solomon Siboni 01:13