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Speak and Read French, Part 2: Conversational French

Armand and Louise Bégué
Speak and Read French, Part 2: Conversational French

This album is the second of three volumes of a French language course: Speak and Read French, created by Armand Bégué, a professor at Brooklyn College and his wife, Louise Bégué, in 1959. The recording gathers different conversations of everyday life including a doctor visit, a driving lesson and frequently asked questions at the train station.

En Français

Cet album est le second volume de la méthode d’apprentissage de la langue française en trois parties: Speak and Read French, créée par Armand Bégué professeur au Brooklyn College et par sa femme Louise Bégué en 1959. L’enregistrement recueille des conversations sur des sujets divers de la vie courante tels que la visite chez le médecin, la leçon de conduite ou des renseignements à un guichet de gare.

Track Listing

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Secs. I & II: Maison Armand and Louise Bégué 08:24
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Sec. III: Bateau, Avion Armand and Louise Bégué 03:50
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Sec. IV: Train, Métro Armand and Louise Bégué 03:28
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Sec. V: Poste, Téléphone, Télégraphe Armand and Louise Bégué 03:44
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Sec. VI: Les Courses Armand and Louise Bégué 03:47
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Sec. VII: Plage, Plein Air Armand and Louise Bégué 04:10
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Sec. VIII: Auto Armand and Louise Bégué 04:22
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Sec. IX: La Santé Armand and Louise Bégué 03:26
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Sec. X: Divertissements Armand and Louise Bégué 03:07
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Sec. XI: Cuisine, Restaurant, Produits, Nature Armand and Louise Bégué 03:00
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Sec. XII: Etudes, Arts, Religion, Presse Armand and Louise Bégué 03:27
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Sec. XIII: Vie Administrative, Economique, Politique Armand and Louise Bégué 03:51
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Sec. XIV: La Personnalité, L'Amour, Le Mariage Armand and Louise Bégué 02:46
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Sec. XV: Chiffres; L'Histoire de France Armand and Louise Bégué 07:35